This blog started as a creative outlet for an accountant working in corporate America. However, a lot has changed in the past few years. In October 2009 we welcomed our twins, J&J. EVERYTHING is different now! I don't craft nearly as much as I used to. I do however, cook a lot more. One thing that has not diminished is my TV addiction. Asking me to go without Showtime or HBO is just a no go!!
Frequent topics will be coupon deals, budgeting, cooking, baking, TV, crafts, cleaning, books, budgeting, and product reviews. I love hearing other people's opinions about products and I especially love when they tell us better or alternate uses for the product so I will try to follow those guidelines. I hope that you enjoy my blog.
Please leave comments or questions as it is nice to know that someone out there is reading! I answer all questions so don't feel like the time that you take to leave a question or comment would be wasted.